Monday, January 31, 2011

My Learner Profile

I am a logical thinker with the a FF profile. I learn best when I am sitting in the front of the room, where I can see what is going on well. I like being able to visually see what I am learning, and I learn best when I see the information I am learning in an organized, linear way. If instructions for a big task is only said, and not written down somewhere where I could read it, I will have trouble following the directions. I also learn best when I am not rushed, and that I can take my time to do a task. The more time I have, the better I will do on the task. I usually will learn more and work more if I am alone, because I tend to only listen to other people's ideas instead of sharing mine. I learn best when I brainstorm ideas before sharing them with others. I learn best if I also take notes, so that I can refer to the information I just took in.
I need to sit in the front of the class on the right side of the room and I should be allowed to doodle while learning. Some strategies that will help me learn are active listening and reading out loud as well as brainstorming and visualizing unusual images in my mind's eye. I should also try to say things in other words. I would like my teachers to know that I cannot concentrate well when people speak for too long, and I usually don't take any information in when it is just said to me. I also have trouble working in groups sometimes and I prefer working alone.