Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Name

Elliot, so common, so boring. I never believed my name meant anything, just some random name out there. There are so many Elliot's in the world, I feel like I'm not unique, that I'm not special. Just as if I was a tiny piece of grass in a huge meadow. Insignificant, not different in any way. Nothing humoristic about how I was named. I was just named Elliot because my parents thought it sounded cool.
My name means "My god is the lord", as if I was to be very religious. My name may be Hebrew, and my name might mean my god is the lord, but I can tell you that I am not religious. Back in the medieval times Elliot was originally Elijah. Overtime Elijah became Elliot, and that would be the only good thing about my name. I would never want my name to be Elijah. One thing that I am unhappy about my name is that since Elliot is so common, many people misspell my name. They spell it like Elliott, Eliott, or Eliot, when my name is actually Elliot. See unlike most people who end up liking there names after writing this paragraph, i still do not appreciate or like my name.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of voice! Evidence of research and care in this piece. Look at paragraph spacing and add an image please.
